Honored recipients pose with their new award jackets outside the SFAAP office.

Honored recipients pose with their new award jackets outside the SFAAP offices.

The Sevenson and USA Environmental, Inc. Joint Venture (Sevenson-USA JV) is proud to announce that the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant (Sunflower SFAAP) onsite team reached a signficant safety milestone by achieving 300,000 hours of work without a lost time accident from July 18, 2017 through December 15, 2020. Team members were presented with special jackets bearing the award recognition JV logo during a catered lunch hosted by the Sevenson-USA JV in their honor.  This outstanding safety achievement reflects the dedication of the Sevenson-USA JV’s team members and the effectiveness of the safety protocols implemented for this project. Congratulations to Team Members and our Corporate Safety Officers for a job well done!

 Excavation of soil for pipe inspection, with one of several former ammunition plant structures in background

Excavation of soil for pipe inspection, with one of several former ammunition plant structures in background.

 UXO Technicians inspect and prepare for removal of contaminated pipe.

UXO Technicians inspect and prepare for removal of contaminated pipe.

 Burn pad preparation for thermal treatment of explosively contaminated sewer pipe

 Burn pad preparation for thermal treatment of explosively contaminated sewer pipe.